Viagra Canada: Nervous System
The Divine energy comes from the sympathetic nervous system. Man’s spiritual power is in the solar plexus, which I call a life-giving brain of life. The unorganized brain and the life-giving brain of life shall harmonize. This is necessary, because you belong, except to the world, in which you live, to a sublime world, too. Man’s power is hidden in the sympathetic nervous system, that is why do not leave it opened for known and unknown people to come into and go out of it. Keep it closed by nine keys, but build through it nine faucets in order all who are thirsty to drink from them. The sympathetic nervous system perceives the truth and reality in a straight way and the brain just reflects them. It does not get upset, but when the flows, which come from it to the brain, are interrupted, the function of both systems is destroyed. Hatred destroys the correct activity of both systems. For rejuvenation, make exercises for about 15-20 minutes for the sympathetic nervous system every day.
In the sympathetic nervous system roots of life are hidden. When conditions are established for the development of the roots, man gets fat. One, who is thin and dry, thinks more, and one, who is fat, feels more.
If we investigate the sympathetic nervous system, we will see that the roots are in the stomach, where there are glands, called stomach brain, the branches of which go into the cerebrum and from there they send their energies downwards. If the sympathetic nervous system were not managed Canadian Pharmacy viagra by the cerebrum, man would have get into animal state under the law of the instinct of self-preservation.
The physical heart of man is a little to the left, and his spiritual heart is in the pit of his stomach. This place is also called solar plexus. This is the most tender zone, which one shall keep carefully.
The solar plexus is under the influence of the liver that is why one shall keep it in perfect working order. How shall it be kept in good working order? Through the solar plexus. The whole waste from the mental world and from the heart one of man goes into the liver, and from there – into the centre of the Earth, where it is purified. In this sense, the solar plexus serves as a channel for purification of unclean thoughts and feelings. One’s health depends on the well-being of the liver.
The internal heart, not the one that moves the blood, but the one, in which feelings occur, is called a solar plexus. This solar plexus is an organ, which gathers the solar energy. Mind is an organ, which gathers the energy from the Moon and all other planets and stars, stores the light and makes the fine materials, the images of thinking.
In order to adopt an occult knowledge, in its sublime degree, one shall have a strong nervous system, to endure. Rough thoughts, feelings and acts influence badly the human organism. In the same way, sublime thoughts and feelings require strong nervous system.