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  • Louren Helsh 12:05 am on October 28, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    The monitoring myocardial ischemia 

    Electrocardiography is employed in qualitative (pattern-based) and quantitative formats, for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients. Measuring the amplitude of various parts of the ECG waveform provides data suitable for comparison and statistical analysis. Measurements of the ST segment have been employed in exercise testing and in the CCU for the purposes of monitoring myocardial ischemia. Similar treatment of the QRS complexes can be used for the purposes of diagnosing and monitoring patients who have developed or are recovering from edematous states of various etiologies.  monitoring myocardial ischemia

    Daily experience particularly in critical care units reveals the vagaries of obtaining patients’ Ws using sling scales. The calculation of 2QRS12 may be useful in monitoring changes in extent of peripheral edema. Although this also could be time-consuming, it could be probably handled electronically by automated ECG interpretation programs. Another application of the ECG/W correlations could be in setting up changing voltage-dependent ECG criteria for various diagnoses (ie, left ventricular hypertrophy) in patients with extreme fluid overload states. Thus, for patients with AN or CHF, or for those undergoing hemodialysis, the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy should be made with reference to the stage (ie, compensated and uncompensated) of their edematous state.

    The reliability of the 2QRS12 in detecting fluid accumulation or loss may improve when ECGs are recorded from fixed chest wall landmarks, ensuring comparable precordial ECG recordings. In our previous studies, we used routine daily ECGs recorded by our technicians, without the above provision. It appears from the present study that for clinical and research applications focusing on the QRS amplitude (and excluding patients with AN), one can employ measurements from the 2-lead ECG and 6-lead ECG instead of the 12-lead ECG. This was highlighted by the data from the three patients treated for CHF, for whom the correlations among the three ECG systems were very strong. However, this might have been a chance finding, since only three patients were studied, and data from hospital admission and discharge were lumped together.

  • Louren Helsh 2:23 pm on September 2, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Canadian Viagra Online, Cildenafil citrate, Viagra in Canada   

    Physiology: The ups and downs of a mobile organ 

    Leydig cells are numerous in the newborn male and in men after puberty, but not in between. They secrete large amounts of testosterone. Interestingly, all testosterone is manufactured from the raw material of cholesterol. So you see, cholesterolsd is not all bad.

    At puberty, testosterone causes the penis Levitra super active, testes and scrotum to enlarge. It also stimulates the growth of body hair in a diamond shape over the genital area and lower abdomen, the growth of hair in the armpits and on the chest, and generally makes body hair elsewhere thicker and more profuse. Ironically, it also contributes to male pattern baldness!

    Testosterone causes the voice to deepen and the skin to thicken and to become oilier because of increased secretion from the sebaceous glands. This is the cause of that scourge of adolescence—acne. For most, the skin later adapts and acne ceases to be a problem. Another effect is the bulking of muscle mass, leading to the typical male physique. Testosterone also has a building effect on bone, and boys’ bones become denser and grow quickly in puberty. We see this as the famed ‘growth spurt’.

    Less talked about, but just as real, is the effect testosterone has on a man’s sense of well-being. In recent years, it has been realised that the sex hormones act as powerful neurotransmitters in the brain, although we still have much to learn. Testosterone increases a man’s basal metabolic rate and hence his energy level; if his testosterone levels are low, his energy level will be affected, as well as his libido.

    Before finishing our discussion of normal functioning, we’ll just mention the subject of ‘nocturnal penile tumescence’ — basically, erections with Viagra in Canada occurring during sleep. This is a normal physiological event for all males from infancy to old age. In the healthy adult male, between two and five erections, each lasting for 25–35 minutes (yes, they’ve been intensively studied by scientists) and together accounting for up to 40 per cent of sleep time, will occur each night. With advancing age, the number and duration of night-time erections decreases. The ‘morning erection’ many men observe (and often act upon!) is really a night-time erection occurring just prior to waking and not, as is commonly supposed, due to a full bladder. It may, of course, be enhanced by a man finding his interested sexual partner lying beside him.

    Most night-time erections subside without the emission of semen. Around puberty though, and in the teenage years, nocturnal emissions frequently occur, and are completely normal.

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