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  • Louren Helsh 12:03 am on October 20, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Correlations/Regressions of ECG Data and Weights From Patients With AN, and Control and Hemodialysis Patients 

    Almost all correlations/regressions (excluding the ones at data groups A and B) were found to be statistically significant at ap = 0.0005 level, with rvalues ranging from 0.63 to 0.93, indicative of strong-to-excellent associations between the two sets of variables. Regressions of ECG

    Regression in data group A suggested that W gain in patients with AN, at the PW point, was better associated with changes noted in the 2QRS12, than with those at the 2QRS6, while no association was found with the 2QRS2. Regression in data group B suggested that W gain in the patients with AN, at the HF-W point, was not associated with changes noted in any of the three ECG systems.

    Intercorrelations at data groups C, D, and E in the three ECG systems at hospital admission, at the point of HF-W and at PW, correspondingly in the patients with AN indicated that the 2QRS2 and 2QRS6 equally reflect the 2QRS12, and that the strongest correlation is the 2QRS2 with the 2QRS6.

    Intercorrelations at data groups F and G in the three ECG systems at hospital admission, and hospital discharge correspondingly in the control subjects, mirrored the findings at data groups C, D, and E, and indicated that the 2QRS2 and 2QRS6 reflect well the 2QRS12 and that the strongest correlation is the one of the 2QRS2 with the 2QRS6.

    Intercorrelations at data group H and I in the three ECG systems at the preprocedure level, and correspondingly at the postprocedure level in the patients who underwent hemodialysis, indicated that the degree of association among the three ECG systems was strong.

    Finally, intercorrelations at data group J for the patients with CHF before and after the management of their condition indicated that the degree of association among the three ECG systems was strong.

    The mean QRS axis in the patients with AN was not different between hospital admission and the HF-W point (15.5 ± 79.9° vs 18.3 ± 59.4°, respectively; p = 0.78), between hospital admission and the P-W point (15.5 ± 79.7° vs 24.9 ± 54.7°, respectively; p = 0.24), and between the HF-W point and the PW point (18.3 ± 59.4° vs 24.9 ± 54.7°, respectively; p = 0.23). The mean QRS axis in the control subjects was as follows: on hospital admission and at hospital discharge, 25.8 ± 68.2° vs 5.6 ± 54.6°, respectively (p = 014); and before and after hemodialysis, 59.2 ± 95.2° vs 47.7 ± 83.4°, respectively (p = 0.24). Finally, the QRS axes for the three patients with CHF on hospital admission and at hospital discharge were as follows: —29° vs 22°, respectively; —26° vs -28°, respectively; and —56° vs — 54°, respectively.

  • Louren Helsh 1:14 pm on October 14, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    The Use of Fraction of Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Pulmonary Practice 

    The measurement of the fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) is a convenient, noninvasive, point-of-service office test for airway inflammation. The first half of this practice management review presents the methodological, interpretative, and clinical applications of FeNO. The second half discusses practical management issues, including current and future technology, equipment specifications, US Food and Drug Administration regulations, cost, current procedural terminology coding, and reimbursement. The measurement of FeNO is helpful in the diagnosis of asthma. It is predictive of a response to inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs). Monitoring FeNO is useful in maintaining asthma control by allowing the assessment of adherence to medication and dose titration of ICSs. An elevated level of FeNO is predictive of asthma relapse following corticosteroid withdrawal especially in children. The advances in technology, ease of use, and clinical utility will lead to greater availability, acceptance, and routine application in the care of asthma.

    Asthma is characterized by reversible bronchos-pasm, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and airway inflammation. Proper antiinflammatory treatment requires accurate assessment and monitoring of the underlying inflammatory state of the airways. Until recently, there has been no point-of-service test available to assess airway inflammation in asthma. The adequacy of antiinflammatory control is commonly assessed imperfectly by clinical inference (ie, resolution of symptoms and physical findings), improvement in airflow limitation, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in response to therapy. It is important to recognize that these various clinical and physiologic outcomes do not track each other consistently Health and Care Pharmacy online. They are only partially related to airway inflammation and may be influenced by other interwoven pathophysiologic mechanisms. It is now possible to assess airway inflammation in asthma patients by measuring the fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) during an office visit.

  • Louren Helsh 1:13 pm on October 6, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Viagra online and Erectile dysfunction 

    The associations among race/ethnicity, SES, and various measures of asthma severity and morbidity are complex. We found marked racial/ethnic differences in chronic asthma management. Black and Hispanic asthma patients lacked PCPs more often, reported a greater likelihood of lifetime hospitalization, and reported more numerous ED visits in the past year. Importantly, they also were less likely to use inhaled corticosteroids and less frequently owned a spacer and a peak flowmeter. Not only do they present to the ED more often, but also our data show that they presented to the ED Canadian HealthCare Mall with somewhat more severe exacerbations.

    However, their course and treatment during the ED visit did not seem to differ dramatically, they were not hospitalized during their index ED visit at greater rates than whites (except when controlling for confounding factors), and they did not seek urgent medical care within the 2 weeks after hospital discharge more frequently than whites. As mentioned earlier, the reason that minorities exhibit such deficient chronic asthma management is probably, at least in part, due to SES and the substandard health care that accompanies lower SES. Other environmental factors associated with low SES may lead to deficient chronic disease management, such as increased risk of respiratory infections due to overcrowding, and greater exposure to allergens and irritants, but these were not assessed in our study.

    Although we found that most differences were attributable to differences in SES, other research suggests that residual race/ethnicity differences may still be present even after adjusting for SES. This implicates other sociocultural and psychological factors. Some authors have speculated that racial/ethnic discrimination among health-care providers is a possible cause for the inequities observed in health care, although it is probably not conscious or deliberate. Several other explanations have been mentioned in the literature but have not been researched well enough to form conclusions. At best they offer direction for future research. These include race-based differences in health beliefs and practices emphasizing rescue rather than preventive strategies, impaired illness perception and judgment of disease severity, lower selfefficacy regarding asthma management, and greater comorbid psychopathology, such as depression, anxiety, and panic disorders.

  • Louren Helsh 12:58 pm on September 26, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Viagra Canada: Nervous System 

    The Divine energy comes from the sympathetic nervous system. Man’s spiritual power is in the solar plexus, which I call a life-giving brain of life. The unorganized brain and the life-giving brain of life shall harmonize. This is necessary, because you belong, except to the world, in which you live, to a sublime world, too. Man’s power is hidden in the sympathetic nervous system, that is why do not leave it opened for known and unknown people to come into and go out of it. Keep it closed by nine keys, but build through it nine faucets in order all who are thirsty to drink from them.Nervous_System The sympathetic nervous system perceives the truth and reality in a straight way and the brain just reflects them. It does not get upset, but when the flows, which come from it to the brain, are interrupted, the function of both systems is destroyed. Hatred destroys the correct activity of both systems. For rejuvenation, make exercises for about 15-20 minutes for the sympathetic nervous system every day.

    In the sympathetic nervous system roots of life are hidden. When conditions are established for the development of the roots, man gets fat. One, who is thin and dry, thinks more, and one, who is fat, feels more.

    If we investigate the sympathetic nervous system, we will see that the roots are in the stomach, where there are glands, called stomach brain, the branches of which go into the cerebrum and from there they send their energies downwards. If the sympathetic nervous system were not managed Canadian Pharmacy viagra by the cerebrum, man would have get into animal state under the law of the instinct of self-preservation.

    The physical heart of man is a little to the left, and his spiritual heart is in the pit of his stomach. This place is also called solar plexus. This is the most tender zone, which one shall keep carefully.

    The solar plexus is under the influence of the liver that is why one shall keep it in perfect working order. How shall it be kept in good working order? Through the solar plexus. The whole waste from the mental world and from the heart one of man goes into the liver, and from there – into the centre of the Earth, where it is purified. In this sense, the solar plexus serves as a channel for purification of unclean thoughts and feelings. One’s health depends on the well-being of the liver.

    The internal heart, not the one that moves the blood, but the one, in which feelings occur, is called a solar plexus. This solar plexus is an organ, which gathers the solar energy. Mind is an organ, which gathers the energy from the Moon and all other planets and stars, stores the light and makes the fine materials, the images of thinking.

    In order to adopt an occult knowledge, in its sublime degree, one shall have a strong nervous system, to endure. Rough thoughts, feelings and acts influence badly the human organism. In the same way, sublime thoughts and feelings require strong nervous system.

  • Louren Helsh 1:52 pm on September 5, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: sildenafil citrate in Canada   

    The impact of infertility 

    No language to ask questions about fertility

    In the first group programme a young married woman of 21 with TS came and spoke to the participants about her own adolescence and young adulthood and how she worked through her issues. The group participants asked her questions about how it felt for her to be short and what it was like to be different. male-infertilityHowever, when the young woman moved on to describe her future plans for IVF this usually talkative group of teens, who had found it hard to form a prepared question on this topic, also found it hard to ask her a question spontaneously during the discussion time. When she described how she would ask her sister for an egg, one participant said softly:

    • It’s the same genes.
    • In the fourth group programme, fertility was introduced as a specific discussion topic. Deirdre (16) put the topic aside:
    • I don’t think about the future, like fertility, too much.

    And Yvonne (14) said:

    • It doesn’t mean a lot to me yet.

    Kerrie (13) had thought of possible solutions when she summed up her thoughts thus:

    • When I was ten, my friend and I decided she would have a baby for me.

    In these sessions, there was more interest in discussing current concerns; for example, how they were keeping up with other girls at school or whether someone at school was being nasty to them in some way.

    The loss of fertility may be too hard to imagine or to speak about as it is a loss that belongs to future experience. Furthermore, the teens in the group programmes seemed more preoccupied with the ‘observable’ body – what they saw as their physical difference from their peers.

    Physical difference

    Kelly from the same group programme as Katherine and Linette made a creative design about herself that seemed to reflect her perception that she sometimes felt different from others. In session one she selected and arranged a purple ribbon and other objects to make her design. She finally placed a small woollen lamb in the centre and covered it with a chiffon see-through scarf Sildenafil citrate online in Canada. She described her design:

    • The lamb underneath the scarf is like me – I’m the odd one out.

    She gave her design the title This is me?

    Her floor design in the fifth and final session was similar in style. Kelly said her design was about the:

    • …pretty things which are separated from those that are not so pretty.

    She continued looking at her design but chose to say no more about its meaning. She titled her design: Symbols. Four years later her creative designs still resonated for her. She said:

    • I have those photos at home. I look at them sometimes.
    • I really said a lot then, didn’t I? (Clinical notes)

    At the beginning of the third group programme the teenagers brought up their embarrassment and angst at their physical difficulties:

    • People stare at my hands; they are puffy. The other girls have pretty fingers. (Tammy referring to her lymphoedema)
    • My wrists don’t work for ballgames – I’m not an asset in the group. (Wendy’s skeletal problems)
    • I can’t roll in the gym. (Simone, difficulty in coordination)
    • People say I can’t run properly. (Tilly is overweight)

    Nancy summed up the way she felt different from her peers in what could be a sense of shame:

    • The spotlight is on you, I want to hide.

    These physical preoccupations, together with earlier teasing about their short stature, contribute to confusion and uncertainty about their body over and above the usual adolescent concerns. These preoccupations need to be named and addressed in various mediums before infertility, as a significant part of the social and emotional body, can begin to find a verbal expression.

  • Louren Helsh 2:23 pm on September 2, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Canadian Viagra Online, Cildenafil citrate, Viagra in Canada   

    Physiology: The ups and downs of a mobile organ 

    Leydig cells are numerous in the newborn male and in men after puberty, but not in between. They secrete large amounts of testosterone. Interestingly, all testosterone is manufactured from the raw material of cholesterol. So you see, cholesterolsd is not all bad.

    At puberty, testosterone causes the penis Levitra super active, testes and scrotum to enlarge. It also stimulates the growth of body hair in a diamond shape over the genital area and lower abdomen, the growth of hair in the armpits and on the chest, and generally makes body hair elsewhere thicker and more profuse. Ironically, it also contributes to male pattern baldness!

    Testosterone causes the voice to deepen and the skin to thicken and to become oilier because of increased secretion from the sebaceous glands. This is the cause of that scourge of adolescence—acne. For most, the skin later adapts and acne ceases to be a problem. Another effect is the bulking of muscle mass, leading to the typical male physique. Testosterone also has a building effect on bone, and boys’ bones become denser and grow quickly in puberty. We see this as the famed ‘growth spurt’.

    Less talked about, but just as real, is the effect testosterone has on a man’s sense of well-being. In recent years, it has been realised that the sex hormones act as powerful neurotransmitters in the brain, although we still have much to learn. Testosterone increases a man’s basal metabolic rate and hence his energy level; if his testosterone levels are low, his energy level will be affected, as well as his libido.

    Before finishing our discussion of normal functioning, we’ll just mention the subject of ‘nocturnal penile tumescence’ — basically, erections with Viagra in Canada occurring during sleep. This is a normal physiological event for all males from infancy to old age. In the healthy adult male, between two and five erections, each lasting for 25–35 minutes (yes, they’ve been intensively studied by scientists) and together accounting for up to 40 per cent of sleep time, will occur each night. With advancing age, the number and duration of night-time erections decreases. The ‘morning erection’ many men observe (and often act upon!) is really a night-time erection occurring just prior to waking and not, as is commonly supposed, due to a full bladder. It may, of course, be enhanced by a man finding his interested sexual partner lying beside him.

    Most night-time erections subside without the emission of semen. Around puberty though, and in the teenage years, nocturnal emissions frequently occur, and are completely normal.

  • Louren Helsh 9:25 am on July 4, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Dick: straight talk 

    Why on earth would two women be writing a book about the penis? The answer is quite simple. Viagra in Canada We are both doctors working in the field of women’s health, with more than 50 years’ experience between us. Every day, we have conversations with women about their most intimate problems, their anatomy and its functioning, and their relationships with their partners. Often we talk with those partners too. And, despite the fact that sex is now quite freely discussed, and that since the 1960s women’s sexuality has been liberated from the fear of unwanted pregnancy, we have been impressed by how often both women and men lack basic information about their bodies — about their own anatomy and how it functions. Misinformation abounds and there is certainly a dearth of good information about that most friendly male appendage, the penis – viagra online in Canada.

    The main thrust (ahem) of our argument is that, for most people, sex is inextricably linked with a penis — yet there is no accompanying guide book. The only source for needed information may be the media, and the information imparted — dare we say, inseminated? — may be inappropriate or even erroneous. Our correction of this lack of accurate information is not intended to be in any way disrespectful or salacious, but rather informative, fun and titillating. Whether in marriage or in long- or short-term relationships, everyone has a need to know about the possible difficulties they or their partners may experience with the penis, so that they can be sensitive to their partners’ needs, protect themselves from possible disease and know when they or their partners need professional help.

    Quite understandably, men are very fond of their penises, for which they have many slang names — including treasures (‘the family jewels’), military metaphors (bayonets and swords), terms of formal address (‘Captain!’), endearments (‘old chap’) and nicknames (Willie, Percy and Old Harry). And of course we mustn’t forget Dick, which we rather like, and which you’ll find popping up throughout our text – canadian viagra. However, many men are curiously reluctant to openly discuss their penises in an informational way, although they may be very quick with jokes. (Heard about the shipment of Viagra that went missing at the city docks? The police are looking for a band of hardened criminals . . . OK, we’ll stop right there, but you see what we mean.) Little boys (and girls) quickly learn slang names — dicky bird, teddy bear, worm, dewdrop — for the penis, although they know the correct words for all the other parts of the body, and they soon get the idea that talking about ‘that’ just isn’t ‘nice’.

    And after recently attending a showing of the paintings of Alice Neel, who has depicted several anatomically correct full-frontal nudes of men, as well as many other subjects, we found the men in our group were actually more impacted by the male nudes than were the women! (But then, wasn’t it men who put all those fig leaves on statues?)

    So this book has been written for everyone with an interest in the penis, from teenagers to nonagenarians . . .

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